The Birthday Update -
Monday, October 2nd, 2023
Today begins my 4th week at CSVM. And my 2nd month in Chicago. And I turn 25 today!
I’ll be brief. Mostly because there’s not much to update on in regards to school happenings. A lot of sharpening, flattening, and smoothing of things. Acquiring tools both necessary and not entirely necessary now but totally cool to have.
While job hunting, I’ve had a lot of free time to check out some of the music scene in the city, from dive bar jazz, to new music festivals, to opening weekend at the Chicago Symphony. I’ve yet to do any playing of my own since moving, but I’m hoping I can find my place in this new musical environment, especially with Gigsmas right around the corner.
To all of the lovely individuals who made this possible via the GoFundMe, thank you again. This whole endeavor would not have been possible without your generosity! I can rest easy knowing that my first year is pretty much completely paid for. More than a few of you have shared stories about your experiences in the industry, and almost going to school for the same thing. These anecdotes have not gone unnoticed. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to do this and develop this skill to help other musicians in the future.
This is the place to look if you want to know how school is going, or if you just want to see what’s been on my mind. I’m going to periodically work on making the website look and function better, so I can finally have a portfolio for all things E Sharp, the luthier in training.
So, it’s on and ever upward from here. Here’s to making fine shavings, to making beautiful music, to a new city, and to another trip around the sun.
Here’s to 25. 𝄂